The AZ Code Review: Truth Exposed

Today I’ll be giving my AZ Code review. The product claims to be a secret method to gain thousands of dollars in just a short amount of time by utilizing Amazon’s affiliate marketing.

Now you might ask what affiliate marketing is.

The closest explanation will be a partnership, that’s what affiliate marketing is, it’s a connection within the company, and it’s affiliate market which is either proposed by the company to sell their products or vice versa.

If any of you are avid users of social media, this type of marketing is pretty rampant. These links were the ones that direct you to the product on sale, and once the consumer buys that product by clicking the link, the person who administered the portal will have a commission on the transaction.

And that is what AZ Code is about; it claims to give your account a torrent of traffic and at the same time provide a multitude of links to direct the viewers to places where they can buy products.

Now that we have an idea of what affiliate market is, let’s now start with my review of AZ Code.

Where to buy AZ Code

The AZ Code can be purchased within their official website.

You can easily see where the check out page is since the sole thing you’ll see on the website will be a video and a big button that will link you towards the check out page.

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How it works in giving you profit

AZ Code is defined as a program equivalent to cheat codes, because of its unbelievably shocking results once you started using it.

Just like anything else that you will be putting your money at, one must remember that learning even the basic ideas are essential. In able to know if the thing you’ll be placing your money into is something you’re willing to take the risk. And this time its affiliate marketing, the key ingredient of AZ Code.

Which gives this program added bonus point for adding a feature, wherein they introduce and explain what affiliate marketing is to the consumer.

The next thing that they’ll be talking about is the making of a website that you’ll use as a medium to incorporate the code and get it up and be running.

Once you have that ready all you need to do is to activate the traffic generator for people to come to your website.

The next step will be starting the AZ Code and sit back as the program do its job.

The truth behind the AZ Code

Now that I’ve explained how the AZ Code works, as per according to its creator, let me start by describing how it is behind all its promises.

Through searching reviews and people who have experienced trying out the product, I’ve come across a person who stated that the AZ Code is nowhere near its promised identity.

Because upon purchase, he did not get the magical traffic generator or miraculous commission maker, instead, what he received was an e-book that tells how to become an Amazon merchant.

And it’s not that surprising seeing how the creator of AZ Code describes how the system of his product works.

Because, if you check the video provided through the official website of AZ Code, you won’t have any decent information that will tell you on how the program is supposed to help you generate income through activating it in your website.

The only thing that the video contains is a bunch of promises and flashing of money that they earned through the AZ Code, but no explanation of how they acquire that much money.

The reviews and testimonials of AZ Code

Some might say that I’m throwing shade to the creator of this program (If it’s even legal to call it that, seeing it an e-book) when there are people who tried this program and claimed that it works perfectly.

But as I have told earlier, I’ve done some research regarding the product and its past users. Most especially the one that was put up on the website of AZ Code.

And the shocking truth is that the testimonials of AZ Code that you can see through watching the video, are paid actors who you can find at the website Fiverr.

A lot of people might say, that paid actors are natural when it comes to the world of advertisement. But in this case, when you no longer have any decent information to provide you with the product legitimacy, combining it with paid testimonials is not doing it any good.

That is saying that you are fooling potential future consumers that will believe in the promises of this scam.

Yes, I declared it, that this AZ Code is a scam.

First of all, the actual product is worlds apart from the one they promise, which is a program that helps your website generate income through commissions, because of its nothing but an e-book that you will read to tell you how to be an Amazon merchant and not an affiliate marketer of Amazon.

Second, will be the lie about the traffic generator. Because, no program can just pull off random strangers and suddenly come to your website, and even if that kind of method exists, people will interpret it as virus-infected, because of the abrupt change of location.

And lastly will be the testimonials, which are all lies, where people are nothing but paid advertisers who never even tried the product.

Those were a few reasons why this product is a complete waste of time, there are a lot more than that, but, I don’t want to bore you anymore on how useless this is.

Because I think those are enough reason to such a shady product

Conclusion of this AZ Code review

As what you can hint throughout my review, I do not recommend this product at all.

It’s a scam, full of misleading product information, and promises that are impossible to be met.

There is no such thing as a kind of person who earns money without even lifting a finger, because, sorry to tell you but there is no such thing as easy money. Everything needs to start from the bottom in able to reach the top.

Work hard and but most especially do things wisely, that way you won’t become a victim of a scam on your way to the top

And with that ends my review of the AZ Code.

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